A New Type Of Consulting...

We apply technology solutions that will adapt to your business,
NOT the other way around.
We honor the passion and uniqueness that has made you a success!
And we seek to enhance the way you utilize technologies to continue your growth...

Our Power Partners

Tools for Added Value

Power Partners Here at J&J Technology Consulting, Inc. we are constantly searching for solutions that can be used as "stand-alone" or "merged-in" to meet client goals. We are mindful of our client's budget and goals to be achieved, therefore we are always looking for ways to meet their needs at the best price point without compromising quality. As always, we investigate the client's situation and goals before recommending any one product or solution, therefore, final recommendations will vary.

Newsletter Vol.06 No.01, 2012

This month's newsletter we cover time saving tips and MergeWare 2012 update reminders!